Working with Developers

In the 10 years I’ve worked at H&W, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of great development partners on the websites and apps we’ve created for clients.

When we undertake a new website, we look at the needs of the project and engage a development partner who we feel will be the best fit to build the website based on H&W’s design and direction. Determining which developer will be most suitable for a project can depend on a number of factors, including:
1. Whether or not we designed and developed our client’s existing website. If so, it often makes sense to use the same developer for a new website. Time can be saved by maintaining the existing content-management system and web host, and migrating content from the old website is usually easier.

2. The need for custom-integrations. If there are specific, custom integrations with third-party platforms needed (for example, an intranet system or payment gateway), we will choose a developer who has experience with such work.

3. Accessibility requirements. If our client needs to fulfill requirements for the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), we will partner with a developer who can build a website which meets, or surpasses, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requirements. If our client wants a focus on SEO, we will work with a developer who has expertise in areas such as keyword targeting and analysis, event tracking, and link profiling.
For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of working with a developer is collaboration. A developer’s perspective is unique and they often bring great insight to the table which further improves the user experience. That not only includes the experience of the public-facing site, but also the back-end of the site (the content-management system) where our client will make updates to content after the site has launched.

At H&W we value our partnerships, and having a great developer is key to the success of any website project.