Managing Websites: A Look Behind the Scenes

In the early years of the Internet, if a person wanted to update content on their website, they would either need to be a programmer or hire one to do the work. Today, it’s almost unheard of to have a website which cannot be easily updated by practically anyone. 

The advent of content management systems (CMS) has changed the way websites are built, and managed. In simple terms, these systems provide a framework which separates website design (page layout, font styles, etc.) from content such as copy, images, and video. A CMS allows designers and developers to establish the overall look-and-feel of a website, while giving clients an easy way to update the site without requiring them to make too many decisions about how the content should be displayed or formatted.

When H&W undertakes a new website project, there are a number of larger discussions we have with our clients around strategy and branding. However, we also consider which CMS is appropriate for a project because one size doesn’t fit all. Some of the things we look at when recommending a CMS for a project include the goals of the site (e.g. is accessibility or search engine optimization a top priority), how much flexibility does our client need in terms of laying out pages, project budget, and whether or not our client has an existing CMS which they’re familiar with.

Solid strategy, design and development are key to a successful website, but having the right CMS behind the scenes can make a big difference in day-to-day management.